Source code for

# @Time   : 2020/11/22
# @Author : Kun Zhou
# @Email  :

# @Time   : 2020/11/23, 2020/12/29
# @Author : Kun Zhou, Xiaolei Wang
# @Email  :,

import random
from abc import ABC
from math import ceil

from loguru import logger
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]class BaseDataLoader(ABC): """Abstract class of dataloader Notes: ``'scale'`` can be set in config to limit the size of dataset. """ def __init__(self, opt, dataset): """ Args: opt (Config or dict): config for dataloader or the whole system. dataset: dataset """ self.opt = opt self.dataset = dataset self.scale = opt.get('scale', 1) assert 0 < self.scale <= 1
[docs] def get_data(self, batch_fn, batch_size, shuffle=True, process_fn=None): """Collate batch data for system to fit Args: batch_fn (func): function to collate data batch_size (int): shuffle (bool, optional): Defaults to True. process_fn (func, optional): function to process dataset before batchify. Defaults to None. Yields: tuple or dict of torch.Tensor: batch data for system to fit """ dataset = self.dataset if process_fn is not None: dataset = process_fn()'[Finish dataset process before batchify]') dataset = dataset[:ceil(len(dataset) * self.scale)] logger.debug(f'[Dataset size: {len(dataset)}]') batch_num = ceil(len(dataset) / batch_size) idx_list = list(range(len(dataset))) if shuffle: random.shuffle(idx_list) for start_idx in tqdm(range(batch_num)): batch_idx = idx_list[start_idx * batch_size: (start_idx + 1) * batch_size] batch = [dataset[idx] for idx in batch_idx] yield batch_fn(batch)
[docs] def get_conv_data(self, batch_size, shuffle=True): """get_data wrapper for conversation. You can implement your own process_fn in ``conv_process_fn``, batch_fn in ``conv_batchify``. Args: batch_size (int): shuffle (bool, optional): Defaults to True. Yields: tuple or dict of torch.Tensor: batch data for conversation. """ return self.get_data(self.conv_batchify, batch_size, shuffle, self.conv_process_fn)
[docs] def get_rec_data(self, batch_size, shuffle=True): """get_data wrapper for recommendation. You can implement your own process_fn in ``rec_process_fn``, batch_fn in ``rec_batchify``. Args: batch_size (int): shuffle (bool, optional): Defaults to True. Yields: tuple or dict of torch.Tensor: batch data for recommendation. """ return self.get_data(self.rec_batchify, batch_size, shuffle, self.rec_process_fn)
[docs] def get_policy_data(self, batch_size, shuffle=True): """get_data wrapper for policy. You can implement your own process_fn in ``self.policy_process_fn``, batch_fn in ``policy_batchify``. Args: batch_size (int): shuffle (bool, optional): Defaults to True. Yields: tuple or dict of torch.Tensor: batch data for policy. """ return self.get_data(self.policy_batchify, batch_size, shuffle, self.policy_process_fn)
[docs] def conv_process_fn(self): """Process whole data for conversation before batch_fn. Returns: processed dataset. Defaults to return the same as `self.dataset`. """ return self.dataset
[docs] def conv_batchify(self, batch): """batchify data for conversation after process. Args: batch (list): processed batch dataset. Returns: batch data for the system to train conversation part. """ raise NotImplementedError('dataloader must implement conv_batchify() method')
[docs] def rec_process_fn(self): """Process whole data for recommendation before batch_fn. Returns: processed dataset. Defaults to return the same as `self.dataset`. """ return self.dataset
[docs] def rec_batchify(self, batch): """batchify data for recommendation after process. Args: batch (list): processed batch dataset. Returns: batch data for the system to train recommendation part. """ raise NotImplementedError('dataloader must implement rec_batchify() method')
[docs] def policy_process_fn(self): """Process whole data for policy before batch_fn. Returns: processed dataset. Defaults to return the same as `self.dataset`. """ return self.dataset
[docs] def policy_batchify(self, batch): """batchify data for policy after process. Args: batch (list): processed batch dataset. Returns: batch data for the system to train policy part. """ raise NotImplementedError('dataloader must implement policy_batchify() method')
[docs] def retain_recommender_target(self): """keep data whose role is recommender. Returns: Recommender part of ``self.dataset``. """ dataset = [] for conv_dict in tqdm(self.dataset): if conv_dict['role'] == 'Recommender': dataset.append(conv_dict) return dataset
[docs] def rec_interact(self, data): """process user input data for system to recommend. Args: data: user input data. Returns: data for system to recommend. """ pass
[docs] def conv_interact(self, data): """Process user input data for system to converse. Args: data: user input data. Returns: data for system in converse. """ pass