Source code for crslab.model.recommendation.sasrec.sasrec

# @Time   : 2020/12/16
# @Author : Yuanhang Zhou
# @Email  :

# @Time   : 2020/12/29, 2021/1/4
# @Author : Xiaolei Wang, Yuanhang Zhou
# @email  :,

    Kang, Wang-Cheng, and Julian McAuley. `"Self-attentive sequential recommendation."`_ in ICDM 2018.

.. _`"Self-attentive sequential recommendation."`:


import torch
from loguru import logger
from torch import nn

from crslab.model.base import BaseModel
from crslab.model.recommendation.sasrec.modules import SASRec

[docs]class SASRECModel(BaseModel): """ Attributes: hidden_dropout_prob: A float indicating the dropout rate to dropout hidden state in SASRec. initializer_range: A float indicating the range of parameters initiation in SASRec. hidden_size: A integer indicating the size of hidden state in SASRec. max_seq_length: A integer indicating the max interaction history length. item_size: A integer indicating the number of items. num_attention_heads: A integer indicating the head number in SASRec. attention_probs_dropout_prob: A float indicating the dropout rate in attention layers. hidden_act: A string indicating the activation function type in SASRec. num_hidden_layers: A integer indicating the number of hidden layers in SASRec. """ def __init__(self, opt, device, vocab, side_data): """ Args: opt (dict): A dictionary record the hyper parameters. device (torch.device): A variable indicating which device to place the data and model. vocab (dict): A dictionary record the vocabulary information. side_data (dict): A dictionary record the side data. """ self.hidden_dropout_prob = opt['hidden_dropout_prob'] self.initializer_range = opt['initializer_range'] self.hidden_size = opt['hidden_size'] self.max_seq_length = opt['max_history_items'] self.item_size = vocab['n_entity'] + 1 self.num_attention_heads = opt['num_attention_heads'] self.attention_probs_dropout_prob = opt['attention_probs_dropout_prob'] self.hidden_act = opt['hidden_act'] self.num_hidden_layers = opt['num_hidden_layers'] super(SASRECModel, self).__init__(opt, device)
[docs] def build_model(self): # build BERT layer, give the architecture, load pretrained parameters self.SASREC = SASRec(self.hidden_dropout_prob, self.device, self.initializer_range, self.hidden_size, self.max_seq_length, self.item_size, self.num_attention_heads, self.attention_probs_dropout_prob, self.hidden_act, self.num_hidden_layers) # this loss may conduct to some weakness self.rec_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() logger.debug('[Finish build rec layer]')
[docs] def forward(self, batch, mode): context, mask, input_ids, target_pos, input_mask, sample_negs, y = batch # print(input_ids.shape) sequence_output = self.SASREC(input_ids, input_mask) # bs, max_len, hidden_size2 logit = sequence_output[:, -1:, :] rec_scores = torch.matmul(logit, rec_scores = rec_scores.squeeze(1) # print('rec_scores.shape', rec_scores.shape) rec_loss = self.SASREC.cross_entropy(sequence_output, target_pos, sample_negs) return rec_loss, rec_scores