Source code for crslab.model.recommendation.gru4rec.gru4rec

# @Time   : 2020/12/16
# @Author : Yuanhang Zhou
# @Email  :

# @Time   : 2020/12/29, 2021/1/4
# @Author : Xiaolei Wang, Yuanhang Zhou
# @email  :,

    Hidasi, Balázs, et al. `"Session-Based Recommendations with Recurrent Neural Networks."`_ in ICLR 2016.

.. _`"Session-Based Recommendations with Recurrent Neural Networks."`:


import torch
from loguru import logger
from torch import nn
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pack_padded_sequence
from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_packed_sequence

from crslab.model.base import BaseModel

[docs]class GRU4RECModel(BaseModel): """ Attributes: item_size: A integer indicating the number of items. hidden_size: A integer indicating the hidden state size in GRU. num_layers: A integer indicating the number of GRU layers. dropout_hidden: A float indicating the dropout rate to dropout hidden state. dropout_input: A integer indicating if we dropout the input of model. embedding_dim: A integer indicating the dimension of item embedding. batch_size: A integer indicating the batch size. """ def __init__(self, opt, device, vocab, side_data): """ Args: opt (dict): A dictionary record the hyper parameters. device (torch.device): A variable indicating which device to place the data and model. vocab (dict): A dictionary record the vocabulary information. side_data (dict): A dictionary record the side data. """ self.item_size = vocab['n_entity'] + 1 self.hidden_size = opt['gru_hidden_size'] self.num_layers = opt['num_layers'] self.dropout_hidden = opt['dropout_hidden'] self.dropout_input = opt['dropout_input'] self.embedding_dim = opt['embedding_dim'] self.batch_size = opt['batch_size'] super(GRU4RECModel, self).__init__(opt, device)
[docs] def build_model(self): self.item_embeddings = nn.Embedding(self.item_size, self.embedding_dim) self.gru = nn.GRU(self.embedding_dim, self.hidden_size, self.num_layers, dropout=self.dropout_hidden, batch_first=True) logger.debug('[Finish build rec layer]')
[docs] def reconstruct_input(self, input_ids): """ convert the padding from left to right """ def reverse_padding(ids): ans = [0] * len(ids) idx = 0 for m_id in ids: m_id = m_id.item() if m_id != 0: ans[idx] = m_id idx += 1 return ans input_len = [torch.sum((ids != 0).long()).item() for ids in input_ids] input_ids = [reverse_padding(ids) for ids in input_ids] input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids, dtype=torch.long) input_mask = (input_ids != 0).long() return, input_len,
[docs] def cross_entropy(self, seq_out, pos_ids, neg_ids, input_mask): # [batch seq_len hidden_size] pos_emb = self.item_embeddings(pos_ids) neg_emb = self.item_embeddings(neg_ids) # [batch*seq_len hidden_size] pos = pos_emb.view(-1, pos_emb.size(2)) neg = neg_emb.view(-1, neg_emb.size(2)) # [batch*seq_len hidden_size] seq_emb = seq_out.contiguous().view(-1, self.hidden_size) # [batch*seq_len] pos_logits = torch.sum(pos * seq_emb, -1) neg_logits = torch.sum(neg * seq_emb, -1) # [batch*seq_len] istarget = (pos_ids > 0).view(pos_ids.size(0) * pos_ids.size(1)).float() loss = torch.sum( - torch.log(torch.sigmoid(pos_logits) + 1e-24) * istarget - torch.log(1 - torch.sigmoid(neg_logits) + 1e-24) * istarget ) / torch.sum(istarget) return loss
[docs] def forward(self, batch, mode): """ Args: input_ids: padding in left, [pad, pad, id1, id2, ..., idn] target_ids: padding in left, [pad, pad, id2, id3, ..., y] """ context, mask, input_ids, target_pos, input_mask, sample_negs, y = batch input_ids, input_len, input_mask = self.reconstruct_input(input_ids) target_pos, _, _ = self.reconstruct_input(target_pos) sample_negs, _, _ = self.reconstruct_input(sample_negs) embedded = self.item_embeddings(input_ids) # (batch, seq_len, hidden_size) input_len = [len_ if len_ > 0 else 1 for len_ in input_len] embedded = pack_padded_sequence( embedded, input_len, enforce_sorted=False, batch_first=True) # (num_layers , batch, hidden_size) output, hidden = self.gru(embedded) output, output_len = pad_packed_sequence(output, batch_first=True) batch, seq_len, hidden_size = output.size() logit = output.view(batch, seq_len, hidden_size) last_logit = logit[:, -1, :] rec_scores = torch.matmul(last_logit, rec_scores = rec_scores.squeeze(1) max_out_len = max([len_ for len_ in output_len]) rec_loss = self.cross_entropy(logit, target_pos[:, :max_out_len], sample_negs[:, :max_out_len], input_mask) return rec_loss, rec_scores