Source code for crslab.model.policy.pmi.pmi

# @Time   : 2020/12/17
# @Author : Yuanhang Zhou
# @Email  : sdzyh002@gmail

# @Time   : 2020/12/29, 2021/1/4
# @Author : Xiaolei Wang, Yuanhang Zhou
# @email  :,


from collections import defaultdict

import torch

from crslab.model.base import BaseModel

[docs]class PMIModel(BaseModel): """ Attributes: topic_class_num: A integer indicating the number of topic. pad_topic: A integer indicating the id of topic padding. """ def __init__(self, opt, device, vocab, side_data): """ Args: opt (dict): A dictionary record the hyper parameters. device (torch.device): A variable indicating which device to place the data and model. vocab (dict): A dictionary record the vocabulary information. side_data (dict): A dictionary record the side data. """ self.topic_class_num = vocab['n_topic'] self.pad_topic = vocab['pad_topic'] super(PMIModel, self).__init__(opt, device)
[docs] def build_model(self, *args, **kwargs): """build model""" self.topic_to_num = defaultdict(int) self.t2gram_to_num = defaultdict(int) self.last_topic_to_target_topic = defaultdict(int)
[docs] def forward(self, batch, mode): # conv_id, message_id, context, context_mask, topic_path_kw, tp_mask, user_profile, profile_mask, y = batch context, context_mask, topic_path_kw, tp_mask, user_profile, profile_mask, target = batch if mode == 'train': for topic_path in topic_path_kw: topic_path = [topic_id.item() for topic_id in topic_path if topic_id.item() != self.pad_topic] for topic in topic_path: self.topic_to_num[topic] += 1 for i in range(1, len(topic_path)): self.t2gram_to_num[(topic_path[i - 1], topic_path[i])] += 1 self.last_topic_to_target_topic[(topic_path[-1], target[0])] += 1 test_last_topic_to_target_topic = defaultdict(int) for topic_path in topic_path_kw: topic_path = [topic_id.item() for topic_id in topic_path if topic_id.item() != self.pad_topic] test_last_topic_to_target_topic[(topic_path[-1], target[0])] += 1 total_1_gram = sum(self.topic_to_num.values()) total_2_gram = sum(self.t2gram_to_num.values()) p_1_gram = {topic: num / total_1_gram for topic, num in self.topic_to_num.items()} p_2_gram = {topic_tuple: num / total_2_gram for topic_tuple, num in self.t2gram_to_num.items()} topic_scores = [] for (last_topic, target_topic), num in test_last_topic_to_target_topic.items(): candidate_topic_to_PMI = {} for cnad_topic in self.topic_to_num: if (last_topic, cnad_topic) in p_2_gram: candidate_topic_to_PMI[cnad_topic] = p_2_gram.get((last_topic, cnad_topic), 0) / ( p_1_gram.get(last_topic, 0) * p_1_gram.get(cnad_topic, 0)) top_cand = dict(sorted(candidate_topic_to_PMI.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)) # top_cand = [topic for topic, num in top_cand] topic_scores.append([top_cand.get(topic_id, 0) for topic_id in range(self.topic_class_num)]) return None, torch.tensor(topic_scores, dtype=torch.long)