Source code for crslab.model.conversation.transformer.transformer

# @Time   : 2020/12/17
# @Author : Yuanhang Zhou
# @Email  :

# @Time   : 2020/12/29, 2021/1/4
# @Author : Xiaolei Wang, Yuanhang Zhou
# @email  :,

    Zhou, Kun, et al. `"Towards Topic-Guided Conversational Recommender System."`_ in COLING 2020.

.. _`"Towards Topic-Guided Conversational Recommender System."`:


import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from loguru import logger
from torch import nn

from crslab.model.base import BaseModel
from crslab.model.utils.functions import edge_to_pyg_format
from crslab.model.utils.modules.transformer import TransformerEncoder, TransformerDecoder

[docs]class TransformerModel(BaseModel): """ Attributes: vocab_size: A integer indicating the vocabulary size. pad_token_idx: A integer indicating the id of padding token. start_token_idx: A integer indicating the id of start token. end_token_idx: A integer indicating the id of end token. token_emb_dim: A integer indicating the dimension of token embedding layer. pretrain_embedding: A string indicating the path of pretrained embedding. n_word: A integer indicating the number of words. n_entity: A integer indicating the number of entities. pad_word_idx: A integer indicating the id of word padding. pad_entity_idx: A integer indicating the id of entity padding. num_bases: A integer indicating the number of bases. kg_emb_dim: A integer indicating the dimension of kg embedding. n_heads: A integer indicating the number of heads. n_layers: A integer indicating the number of layer. ffn_size: A integer indicating the size of ffn hidden. dropout: A float indicating the drouput rate. attention_dropout: A integer indicating the drouput rate of attention layer. relu_dropout: A integer indicating the drouput rate of relu layer. learn_positional_embeddings: A boolean indicating if we learn the positional embedding. embeddings_scale: A boolean indicating if we use the embeddings scale. reduction: A boolean indicating if we use the reduction. n_positions: A integer indicating the number of position. longest_label: A integer indicating the longest length for response generation. """ def __init__(self, opt, device, vocab, side_data): """ Args: opt (dict): A dictionary record the hyper parameters. device (torch.device): A variable indicating which device to place the data and model. vocab (dict): A dictionary record the vocabulary information. side_data (dict): A dictionary record the side data. """ # vocab self.vocab_size = vocab['vocab_size'] self.pad_token_idx = vocab['pad'] self.start_token_idx = vocab['start'] self.end_token_idx = vocab['end'] self.token_emb_dim = opt['token_emb_dim'] self.pretrain_embedding = side_data.get('embedding', None) # kg self.n_word = vocab['n_word'] self.n_entity = vocab['n_entity'] self.pad_word_idx = vocab['pad_word'] self.pad_entity_idx = vocab['pad_entity'] entity_kg = side_data['entity_kg'] self.n_relation = entity_kg['n_relation'] entity_edges = entity_kg['edge'] self.entity_edge_idx, self.entity_edge_type = edge_to_pyg_format(entity_edges, 'RGCN') self.entity_edge_idx = self.entity_edge_type = word_edges = side_data['word_kg']['edge'] self.word_edges = edge_to_pyg_format(word_edges, 'GCN').to(device) self.num_bases = opt['num_bases'] self.kg_emb_dim = opt['kg_emb_dim'] # transformer self.n_heads = opt['n_heads'] self.n_layers = opt['n_layers'] self.ffn_size = opt['ffn_size'] self.dropout = opt['dropout'] self.attention_dropout = opt['attention_dropout'] self.relu_dropout = opt['relu_dropout'] self.learn_positional_embeddings = opt['learn_positional_embeddings'] self.embeddings_scale = opt['embeddings_scale'] self.reduction = opt['reduction'] self.n_positions = opt['n_positions'] self.longest_label = opt.get('longest_label', 1) super(TransformerModel, self).__init__(opt, device)
[docs] def build_model(self): self._init_embeddings() self._build_conversation_layer()
def _init_embeddings(self): if self.pretrain_embedding is not None: self.token_embedding = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained( torch.as_tensor(self.pretrain_embedding, dtype=torch.float), freeze=False, padding_idx=self.pad_token_idx) else: self.token_embedding = nn.Embedding(self.vocab_size, self.token_emb_dim, self.pad_token_idx) nn.init.normal_(self.token_embedding.weight, mean=0, std=self.kg_emb_dim ** -0.5) nn.init.constant_(self.token_embedding.weight[self.pad_token_idx], 0) logger.debug('[Finish init embeddings]') def _build_conversation_layer(self): self.register_buffer('START', torch.tensor([self.start_token_idx], dtype=torch.long)) self.conv_encoder = TransformerEncoder( n_heads=self.n_heads, n_layers=self.n_layers, embedding_size=self.token_emb_dim, ffn_size=self.ffn_size, vocabulary_size=self.vocab_size, embedding=self.token_embedding, dropout=self.dropout, attention_dropout=self.attention_dropout, relu_dropout=self.relu_dropout, padding_idx=self.pad_token_idx, learn_positional_embeddings=self.learn_positional_embeddings, embeddings_scale=self.embeddings_scale, reduction=self.reduction, n_positions=self.n_positions, ) self.conv_decoder = TransformerDecoder( self.n_heads, self.n_layers, self.token_emb_dim, self.ffn_size, self.vocab_size, embedding=self.token_embedding, dropout=self.dropout, attention_dropout=self.attention_dropout, relu_dropout=self.relu_dropout, embeddings_scale=self.embeddings_scale, learn_positional_embeddings=self.learn_positional_embeddings, padding_idx=self.pad_token_idx, n_positions=self.n_positions ) self.conv_loss = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(ignore_index=self.pad_token_idx) logger.debug('[Finish build conv layer]')
[docs] def _starts(self, batch_size): """Return bsz start tokens.""" return self.START.detach().expand(batch_size, 1)
def _decode_forced_with_kg(self, token_encoding, response): batch_size, seq_len = response.shape start = self._starts(batch_size) inputs =, response[:, :-1]), dim=-1).long() dialog_latent, _ = self.conv_decoder(inputs, token_encoding) # (bs, seq_len, dim) gen_logits = F.linear(dialog_latent, self.token_embedding.weight) # (bs, seq_len, vocab_size) preds = gen_logits.argmax(dim=-1) return gen_logits, preds def _decode_greedy_with_kg(self, token_encoding): batch_size = token_encoding[0].shape[0] inputs = self._starts(batch_size).long() incr_state = None logits = [] for _ in range(self.longest_label): dialog_latent, incr_state = self.conv_decoder(inputs, token_encoding, incr_state) dialog_latent = dialog_latent[:, -1:, :] # (bs, 1, dim) gen_logits = F.linear(dialog_latent, self.token_embedding.weight) preds = gen_logits.argmax(dim=-1).long() logits.append(gen_logits) inputs =, preds), dim=1) finished = ((inputs == self.end_token_idx).sum(dim=-1) > 0).sum().item() == batch_size if finished: break logits =, dim=1) return logits, inputs def _decode_beam_search_with_kg(self, token_encoding, beam=4): batch_size = token_encoding[0].shape[0] xs = self._starts(batch_size).long().reshape(1, batch_size, -1) incr_state = None sequences = [[[list(), list(), 1.0]]] * batch_size for i in range(self.longest_label): # at beginning there is 1 candidate, when i!=0 there are 4 candidates if i == 1: token_encoding = (token_encoding[0].repeat(beam, 1, 1), token_encoding[1].repeat(beam, 1, 1)) if i != 0: xs = [] for d in range(len(sequences[0])): for j in range(batch_size): text = sequences[j][d][0] xs.append(text) xs = torch.stack(xs).reshape(beam, batch_size, -1) # (beam, batch_size, _) dialog_latent, incr_state = self.conv_decoder(xs.reshape(len(sequences[0]) * batch_size, -1), token_encoding, incr_state) dialog_latent = dialog_latent[:, -1:, :] # (bs, 1, dim) gen_logits = F.linear(dialog_latent, self.token_embedding.weight) logits = gen_logits.reshape(len(sequences[0]), batch_size, 1, -1) # turn into probabilities,in case of negative numbers probs, preds = torch.nn.functional.softmax(logits).topk(beam, dim=-1) # (candeidate, bs, 1 , beam) during first loop, candidate=1, otherwise candidate=beam for j in range(batch_size): all_candidates = [] for n in range(len(sequences[j])): for k in range(beam): prob = sequences[j][n][2] logit = sequences[j][n][1] if logit == []: logit_tmp = logits[n][j][0].unsqueeze(0) else: logit_tmp =, logits[n][j][0].unsqueeze(0)), dim=0) seq_tmp =[n][j].reshape(-1), preds[n][j][0][k].reshape(-1))) candidate = [seq_tmp, logit_tmp, prob * probs[n][j][0][k]] all_candidates.append(candidate) ordered = sorted(all_candidates, key=lambda tup: tup[2], reverse=True) sequences[j] = ordered[:beam] # check if everyone has generated an end token all_finished = ((xs == self.end_token_idx).sum(dim=1) > 0).sum().item() == batch_size if all_finished: break logits = torch.stack([seq[0][1] for seq in sequences]) xs = torch.stack([seq[0][0] for seq in sequences]) return logits, xs
[docs] def forward(self, batch, mode): context_tokens, context_entities, context_words, response = batch # encoder-decoder tokens_encoding = self.conv_encoder(context_tokens) if mode != 'test': self.longest_label = max(self.longest_label, response.shape[1]) logits, preds = self._decode_forced_with_kg(tokens_encoding, response) logits = logits.view(-1, logits.shape[-1]) response = response.view(-1) loss = self.conv_loss(logits, response) return loss, preds else: logits, preds = self._decode_greedy_with_kg(tokens_encoding) return preds